Topic Brainstorm

Beyond Death, Source: Pixabay


The concept of cyclic existence has always been fascinating to me. I find the topic of reincarnation to be really interesting and I would like to learn more about it. I would also like to learn more about the past lives of the characters in the epics, affect their identity. A great place to start learning more about reincarnation was the Wikipedia article.


I think most people know what the concept of Karma is, even if they don't know its origins. I want to learn more about the topic, and the ideals that it represents. I would also like to learn more about the Karmatic consequences in stories. Analyzing these Karmatic consequences in stories would be a great project. For this topic also, a great place to start is the Wikipedia article on Karma.

Creation Stories:

I had already mentioned that I really liked creation stories. I think there is something uniquely creative about the different creation stories out in the world. I was really excited when I learned that Hinduism actually has several different creation stories. I think a fun project will be analyzing them, combining them, and coming up with the "Definitive Guide to Creation."

The Chiranjivi (Immortals):

This one caught my attention because "The immortals" sounds really cool. I had no idea who they were, and what it was all about, but now I hope to learn more about them. I think a good project idea would just be exploring each one of them. 
